Criticize Railways ?! Welcome to common carriage Indian train! To visit India and do not ride on the train and, in particular, the general car - so skip the incredibly interesting experience, both in terms of communication and visual images, and the ability to fully upload your sense of smell, the feeling, the sense of touch!

Having been the first time in India, the 2007m, I porobovat sleepers "without" and "with" air conditioning (Sleeper AC & non-AC), and on this trip has finally made it to General Class overnight train. This is incredibly cool!A stations ... That's where you'll see a small provincial town station late at night as not in India ?!


In fact, nothing special, in fact probably all went to the general car naschih trains ... the only difference is that in India, you will find an open and friendly fellow travelers. Some of the independent traveler misses the common carriage accident, not ozabotivsya ticket in advance, and in India every day on trains traveling tens of thousands of people and the fact that tickets sleeper classes not - this is a common practice.

Judging from the movies and from what I saw, too, are common cars filled differently, it also happens that passengers hanging out the door. So I can say lucky, on the car could move relatively quiet, although all the seats, the upper shelves, lobbies and toilets ... (!) Were employed.

But it all starts with the purchase of tickets. I will write a separate article about trains in India, today show photos:



Wagon "second-class", also known as "general class" write wagons and so and so. On the train, hot, instead of windows lattice under the ceiling fans broken. During the drive through the forest belt in the car fly all sorts of tropical butterflies and dragonflies, which is also fast and blown by the wind.
